Maximize Efficiency: Time Management in One-on-One Video Calls

When you are doing a 1v1 chat video call with someone, you would want to maximize your efficiency and manage the time that you spend talking to this person. Whether this is for work or your communication with your family and friends, you still prefer to manage your time well during your 1-on-1 video chats. By knowing the factors that affect your calls, you can prepare beforehand and make sure that you stick to the plan to manage your time properly. Here are the factors that are affecting your video calls.
Factors Affecting Time Management in 1-on-1 Video Calls
Technical issues
When you are going to be on a 1v1 chat video call with someone, you know that you will be dealing with technology. When you use apps, the internet, and any kind of software and hardware, you know that you should anticipate technical issues. It can be a glitch in the system, a loss of internet connection, a faulty cable, software issues, and hardware problems. If you will be on a one-on-one video call, you must prepare all of these things and ensure that they are all working. You need to test all of your equipment and do it multiple times. You should also prepare your backup options as necessary.

Since you are going to be on a call, you should expect any interruptions that may cause you to move away from your computer or mobile phone. This may include your kids entering the room. It may also be the noise outside your house. It may also be another phone call from your office or client. You must treat every 1-on-1 video call as important. You should go to a room that is quiet and has no distractions. You can lock the door to prevent anyone from coming in. Doing it this way will make your video chats concise and you can move to your next task after a few minutes.
No schedule
Another factor that affects your time in video calls is the lack of agenda. Your conversations can move from one topic to another if you have a list of things to talk about. If you do not prepare beforehand, your talk will not have any flow and you will be left with an hour of video chat without accomplishing anything. You need to prepare a schedule or agenda for your meeting. If it is possible, you can send your agenda to the person that you want to talk to. Make sure to follow the time that you set for the video chat.
Because you are in front of a computer, you may be tempted to do other tasks. If you want to prioritize time management on your one-on-one video calls, you should not multitask. It is best if your attention will be on the person on your computer. If you do multiple tasks at the same time, you will notice a decrease in your efficiency and productivity. If you are not paying attention, you also will have to ask the person to repeat what he said. You need to remove tabs that can be distracting to you as well as other applications that may cause you to do other things.
You should consider making a list of things to check when you are hopping on a 1v1 chat video call with someone. Even if you are talking to someone you really know, you would still want to make your calls seamless and smooth. It is all about keeping yourself focused on your task at hand. You have to eliminate or, at least, reduce the possible technical issues that can affect your calls. You also need to remove any interruptions and possible distractions that could hinder you from talking to the person on the other line. If you do not schedule and prepare your agenda, you will also lose time when you are in conversations with people online.